I'd like to share with you the very sad progression of Elizabeth's hair.
1. As an infant we could see the cowlicks all too well. The back of her head was a swirling group of 3 of them! We knew then that if she didn't have curly hair, adolescence would be a nightmare!

2. Her hair grew in and was indeed curly and beautiful. And just wild enough to work with her crazy little personality.

3. Then Jacob, yes my oldest child, decided to play barber, and the hair has never been the same since. Notice the extremely short, spikey stuff right at the top!

4. I had to tell myself that it was just hair, and would grow back. Indeed it did, and after a year we finally had this...

5. Then last week Elizabeth got hold of the scissors, and we start again...This pic was before the real hair cut to fix hers, so most of what Elizabeth left is gone now too.

I know it's just hair, so I'm doing my best to be brave and not cry. I'm sure it will grow back...if I just keep the scissors locked up well enough!!!