Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I clearly haven't gotten out a Christmas card this year, but here are a few pics of my kids on Christmas Eve. Don't give up on me yet...maybe you'll get a New Years letter, or a Martin Luther King , Jr. greeting...who knows!

Jacob, 9

Jackson, 7

Bitsy, 5

Abby, 3

Katie, 1


Mand Spanier said...

HAHA i love katies face!!! merry christmas you guys i hope its amaizing!

Grace said...

Your kids look so cute Anne. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!

Lindsey said...

That picture of Katie is so stinkin' hilarious! What a cutie! I didn't send a card out either.. oh well. Maybe after baby.

Angie said...

I love Bitsy's face! She looks sooo innocent! :) Your kids are adorable as usual! Luv ya and Merry Christmas!

shurnuandbeagsly said...

Love the pics! They look and sound like they're so much fun! Merry Christmas!

Fran said...

The pictures were better than a Christmas card. I didn't get cards mailed out either, but in the spirit of "change", I'm thinking of sending out cards for the Obama Inaugeration! That should bring a smile to several faces!!

Holly said...

Dear Anne, you are in so much trouble. I had no idea you had a blog and I've been waiting and waiting for your Christmas card. Then Sharon's card comes in the mail with her blog address and I found your blog. I'm so glad you have a blog. I've missed you lots over the years and always wonder how you're doing. Now I have your blog to check up on your life! Yes!