Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Charlie's Angel, Baby!

So a little over a month ago I took a Conceal and Carry gun class. Before you get all freaked out about me being a gun-toting-lunatic, rest assured...I'd like to be! But alas, we do have any guns in our home, and I've never been particularly comfortable with them. I did, however, feel the need to exercise my right to do so. As it turns out, I totally rock ! That little paper target was TOTALLY dead. I also happened to enjoy it. I still don't know that I will ever own or carry a gun, but now I have that right, which I do feel is important. I am all about preserving our freedoms.


Lindsey said...

Remind me not to run into you in a dark alley.

Jenn said...

You are a scary woman! I'm all for preserving rights as well, but frankly guns scare me. I have no desire to become comfortable around them, so let me know if you do ever start carrying and I'll be extra nice to you.

Lindsey said...

oh, I KNOW it is you when you are on-line! I think you are my only Minnesota Reader.. on occassion I thought there were a few that clicked from you to me.. but pretty much, I know it is YOU! Thanks for being such an avid reader... You know I love it! (And You)

Glennstew said...

Awww.. I think we will be leaving on Monday! June 16th or whatever it is! I would love to see you though.. :( I am bummed I am going to miss you! Hey, do you know anyone who is in touch with Anne Fredrickson? I wonder how she is doing>???

Glennstew said...

Oh, sorry, it is me.. Lindsey.. I am on my parent's computer!